The Chemistry WISE team provides a networking resource for women graduate students and post-docs in the department, with the goal of increasing the recruitment and retention of women, and improving the climate for all chemists.

Events and News

December 8, 2022

CSE will be holding a mixer on Thursday, 12/8 from 4-6 pm in Walter Library Room 402. Come by for food, games and netwokring opportunities!

November 18, 2022

Our November Celebrating Women Chemists Speaker is alumna Annabelle Watts! Dr. Watts, a graduate of the Hillmyer group, will be discussing her post-grad journey, which includes becoming a researcher at 3M. More recently, Annabelle has been serving as the managing director of the UMN Center for Sustainable Polymers. We are excited to hear more about her experiences!

October 25, 2022

Our October speaker for our Celebrating Women Chemists Luncheon is Dr. Samantha Houchlei! Dr. Houchlei joined the department in August as the Assistant Director of General Chemistry. She will be discussing her dissertation research that focused on the creation of evidence-based learning assessments in general and organic chemistry. She will also share how to get involved with chemistry education research.  We can't wait to hear about her journey and welcome her to the department!

September 23, 2021

Today we will host our first Celebrating Women Chemists Luncheon of the semester! Our speaker will be Dr. Gwen Bailey, who just joined our department as a faculty member. Dr. Bailey comes to us from Caltech where she studied rare and reactive, terminal carbide complexes for C–C coupling from abundant feedstocks and also grew her first tomato garden! She received her Ph.D. from the University of Ottawa and her B.Sc. from the University of British Columbia. She will be telling us about her journey through chemistry and giving a bit of advice from her path. Check out her research page here!
We will be hosting this in a hybrid format, so please reach out to if you are looking for the Zoom information.

September 6, 2021

Welcome to a new semester everyone! We'll be having our Fall semester kick-off event this Friday, September 10th at 2:30 pm in front of Smith Hall. Come by to introduce yourself, grab some ice cream and learn more about our upcoming programming!

August 4, 2021

Our new website is now live! Thank you for bearing with us as we moved our information across platforms. If you're having any trouble finding anything, let us know at

Looking for older news stories? Check out our news archives! Here we have stories and events dating back to 2016.


Funding for WISE events has been provided by grants received from the UMN Department of Chemistry, UMN Office of Equity and Diversity Women's Center and Beckman Coulter Foundation